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500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

The 500 hour yoga teacher training permits you to cover the full range of Yoga Alliance confirmed preparing in one go. On culmination of this preparation, you can enlist with Yoga Alliance,   Instructor. This is an escalated course that will give you information and comprehension on asanas, showing the procedure, life structures, and physiology, the way of thinking of yoga and adequate practice to have the option to begin educating with certainty.

You’ll discover Yoga focuses and Yoga instructor preparing focuses over the world, be that as it may, what better than getting prepared in the spot India , Nepal Bali’. Yoga devotees from the world over come to Rishikesh to sharpen their act of the antiquated order of Yoga. Nath Yoga Ashram offers one of the most presumed ensured yoga teacher training in India , Nepal ,Bali. The preparation targets connecting with yoga aficionados with a chance to improve their aptitudes and support the yogi inside.

What we offer in our 500 Hour Yoga Educator Instructional class Program in Rishikesh?

Around here at Nath Yoga Ashram  we have fostered a careful and definite course for every one of the people who are hoping to succeed in the workmanship and practice of yoga with the goal that they can work on their physical, mental and close to home wellbeing. This course is additionally great for the individuals who need to chip away at their otherworldly rising. The Yoga TTC in Rishikesh can teach understudies about the illustrations of Hatha yoga and Ashtanga yoga which can be useful to an understudy at various stages throughout everyday life. Since 200 hour yoga TTC + 300 hour yoga TTC = 500 hour yoga TTC in Rishikesh India, many individuals like to follow this way rather than straightforwardly pursuing the 500 hour course. By the by, for all functional purposes the course fills in as no different for the understudy.

How to join our 500 hours Yoga Educator Preparing in Rishikesh, India?
Being a piece of this course likewise reinforces one from within, which makes it conceivable to accomplish an ideal internal life. This can likewise urge one to find out about the widespread secrets that stream inside the cognizance and creatures of all life on the planet. The course will likewise make it feasible for understudies to see the value in yoga and reflection in an entirely different way. Nath Yoga Ashram is additionally enlisted with the Yoga Coalition, USA. This implies that anybody who finishes the 500 Hour Yoga Educator Instructional class in India will get the testament of fulfillment that will empower the person in question to function as a yoga educator in all regions of the planet.

For any inquiries in regards to joining our 500 Hours yoga educator preparing programs, you are exceptionally free to reach us!

Daily Schedule

06:00 AM - 07:00 AMPranayama & Shatkarma

07:15 AM - 08:45 AM Hatha Yoga Asana

09:00 AM - 10:00 AM Breakfast

10:15 AM - 11:15 AM Yoga Philosophy

11:30 AM - 12:30 AM Yoga Anatomy

12:45 PM - 01:45 PM Lunch

02:00 PM - 03:30 PM Self Study

03:30 PM - 05:00 PM Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

05:30 PM - 06:30 PM Meditation & Yoga Nidra

07:00 PM - 08:00 PM Dinner

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  • 3rd Feb - 28th Feb 2024

  • 3rd Mar - 28th Mar 2024

  • 3rd Apr - 28th Apr 2024

  • 3rd May - 28th May 2024

  • 3rd Jun - 28th Jun 2024

  • 3rd Jul - 28th Jul 2024

  • 3rd Aug - 28th Aug 2024

  • 3rd Sep - 28th Sep 2024

  • 3rd Oct - 28th Oct 2024

  • 3rd Nov - 28th Nov 2024

  • 3rd Dec - 28th Dec 2024

Course Location

 Upper Tapovan, Rishikesh, Tehri Garhwal, INDIA - 249192

+91 9170088679

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